Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring/Summer Schedule

So I hope you all are finding reading this year as rewarding as I am. I wanted to post the schedule for you so you can see where you are at and if you want to follow along with the ward you can. Please feel free to leave comments below. Thanks to those who have posted already.

April 20 - 26: Alma 1-7
April 27 - May 3: Alma 8-14
May 4 - 10: Alma15-21
May 11 - 17: Alma 22-28
May 18 - 24: Alma 29-35
May 25 - 31: Alma 36-42
June 1 - 7: Alma 43-49
June 8 -14: Alma 50-56
June 15 - 21: Alma 57-63
June 22 - 28: Helaman 1-7
June 29 - July 5: Helaman 8-14
July 6 - 12: Helamen 15- 3Nephi 5
July 13 - 19: 3Nephi 6-12
July 20 - 26: 3Nephi 13-19
July 27 - August 2: 3Nephi 20-26
August 3 - 9: 3 Nephi 30-Mormon 5
August 10 - 16: Mormon 6-Ether 3
August 17 - 23: Ether 4-10
August 24 - 31: Ether 11-Moroni THE END

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Stephanie Hyde says...

Mosiah 3-9

I love these chapters in the book of Mosiah. The words of King Benjamin have always been such an inspiration to me and I'm always so excited when I get to this part in the Book of Mormon. I refer to it fondly as "King Benjamin's General Conference" and the story of the conversion of his people is especially touching. In my mind, they weren't necessarily living in sin or turning away from the Lord. They just weren't quite there yet. They hadn't become fully converted to the doctrine of Jesus Christ, but through the righteous example and powerful testimony of their beloved king, they came to know the truth. They came to know the Savior.

As I was reading these chapters, one verse hit me harder than any other. It's one that I've never taken particular note of, but that really made me think this time. In Chapter 5, verse 13, it says, "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

Benjamin encouraged his people to always remember the covenants they made with the Lord. Not only to remember, but to keep His name written on their hearts and not turn away. I love how he says it, though. "For how knoweth a man the master who he has not served . . .?" We cannot know the Lord unless we serve Him. We cannot know the Lord unless we turn to him in times of need. We cannot know the Lord unless we think of Him and remember him daily. We cannot know the Lord unless we are willing to have His name written upon our hearts.

Chapters 3 - 6 are filled with little gems of wisdom from King Benjamin. And I love how they are all so closely related to each other. He speaks about the natural man and encourages us (yes, us!) to put off our sins. He offers reminders of all that the Lord has given us and of our responsibility to show our gratitude to Him by serving others. The scriptures are so amazing! I love learning from them! It's so easy to just go about our lives and not think about them or about the prophets or all the blessings we have been given from the Lord. But in the times that we truly remember and turn our hearts to the Lord - that is when we are truly happy!

The next three chapters are the beginnings of the story of one of my favorite prophets in the book of Mormon - Abinadi. Just like when I read about King Benjamin, I get all excited when the time comes to read the story of Abinadi!

I know the Book of Mormon is real and true and perfect in its teachings! I know we can find peace and happiness as we read its pages and strive to follow the Lord's counsel and commandments. And I am grateful to have the words of the ancient prophets at my fingertips each and every day! What a tremendous blessing!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

March 23rd - March 29th

Mosiah Chapter 3 - Mosiah Chapter 9

Easter Greetings

Happy Easter Everyone! I always love this time of year becuase it gives us the chance to reflect on the incredible life of the Savior and his uncomprehendable sacrifice for us. Please watch this video and feel free to leave your testimonies of the Savior and Atonement in the comments box.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Nathan Rex says...

1 Nephi Chapters 16-22

Two things strike me about this week’s chapters, two things that I think are intricately related. The first is Nephi’s faithfulness through all manner of afflictions. The second is Nephi’s testimony of Christ.

I marvel and Nephi’s faithfulness through the episodes of the broken bow, his brothers and the building of the boat, and his brothers while on the boat. Through all those experiences, Nephi was the only one who did not murmur or complain at the difficulties they were experiencing while trying to keep the commandments God had given them to guide them to the promised land.

In chapter 17, verse 3, we get Nephi’s perspective on why he tries so diligently to keep the commandments through those times of difficulty. “If it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them.” That is a lesson that I know I need to internalize. If I will keep the commandments, God will provide the means—God will open up the way—for me to get to my promised land.

But that begs the question of how can I develop the faith necessary to live that faithfully?

The answer, I believe, comes from Nephi’s testimony of Christ, which we get in subsequent chapters. In chapter 19, Nephi prophecies and testifies of what Christ will endure and why. “The world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men.”

This, I think, is helpful in developing faith in Christ, by understanding how willingly he suffered all manner of afflictions because of his loving kindness. Though Nephi’s own words are very faith inspiring, he tells us, “But that I might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer I did read unto them that which was written by the prophet Isaiah.”

I am grateful that he included these words of Isaiah. For me, these are some of the most beautiful words written about Christ.

Chapter 21, vs. 14-16:

“The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.” (I have probably murmured those exact words more times than Laman and Lemuel!)

“But he will show that he hath not.

“For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?

“Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee…

“Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands[!]”

During our darkest hours of affliction, during our most trying times of temptation, we can find the faith necessary to keep living the commandments because we can know Christ will never forsake us. Look what he has already endured for us. Is he going to forget us and give up on us now that we are graven upon the palms of his hands? Of course not. And that is why we can have the faith that he will send the help and hope we need to live faithfully to make it to our promised land, both here in this life and in the world to come.

Ocimar Lima says...

1 Nephi Chapters 7-15

There is just so much that I like about these chapters
that Its is a hard thing to know where to start. I
will take this time to share just one or two
principles that I like and hope that you will also
take the time to take a closer look at these things
and be attentive to these ancient instructions
recorded. I will start by saying that the promise has
been clearly written that any person who will
diligently seek with real intent will find; and not
only shall they find but the mysteries of God shall
also be unfolded unto that person. So it pays to
diligently seek. Another crystal clear principle that
I like that is recorded in such a clear way is that no
unclean person will enter in to God’s residence to
dwell with Him. I mean that if we are filthy here we
will be filthy there still. If we are selfish here, we
will remain a selfish being there too. But if we are
clean and full of charity here, we will sure remain a
clean and true individual there in His presence and
then we will have a shot in perfecting our character,
attributes and faith until the perfect day.
I am glad that I have this sacred text readily
accessible in my day-to-day life.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Brianne Adison says...

1 Nephi 7-15

The choices and path Laman and Lemuel decided to follow astounded Nephi in their rebellion. In verses 8-12 of chapter 7, Nephi grieves for the hardness of their hearts and for the blindness in their minds that they have to look to their younger brother as an exemplar. He also goes on baffled by the fact that they have so easily forgotten the Lord, especially after the many great and wonderful things they have beheld.

These verses struck me to ponder and reflect back in my own life of how is it that I so easily forget the Lord? Especially, like Nephi said, after all the many things I have seen and witnessed in my life over and over. Well, I think simplicity is the key- everything is mapped out for us. All we have to do is Choose The Right! A lot of times when we are given things easily we tend to take it for granted. Which is why we are continually given trials in our lives, so that we can learn, grow and become mature, enough to appreciate the importance of this gospel in life. We are put through the refiners' fire many a time. But even then I would say we are still even more so a very fortunate people than the rest.

I have a friend serving a mission in England and I enjoy reading his weekly emails about his spiritual experiences and a particular one stood out to me. In it he mentioned how he has become a "shoulder to cry on" for many investigators in England. He hears many sad and tragic stories of how hard its been for these people throughout their lives. He was very taken back and amazed and humbly asked "What have we done to deserve such great lives?"

So what have we done to deserve such great lives? Ultimately we chose to ome to this Earth and face the trials we have been given. Everyday is a choice of whether or not we continue to walk the path of righeousness. Chapter 8 was above all my favorite; here it talks about Lehi's vision of the tree of life. I have such a conviction about this chapter, everytime I read it builds my testimony. My favorite part is when Lehi partakes of the fruit of the tree of life and he his filled with such joy that he can't help but desire to share with everyone else. This at portrays complete unselfishness, which is the pure love of God. The tree of life is also symbolic of the love of God, which is the most desirable above all else. We should be seeking after this treasure. We are the chosen ones and the Lord certainly has no regrets on that. So in turn, we should without a doubt choose to stay on and follow the straight and narrow path and hold to the iron rod. It will be only then that there will be no regrets to the path we choose.

Why did President Hinkley Love the Book of Mormon so much?

He states...

"Its appeal is as timeless as truth, as universal as mankind. It is the only book that contains within its covers a promise that by divine power the reader may
know with certainty of its truth. Its origin is miraculous."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 4th - February 10th

1 Nephi Chapters 16-22

Saturday, February 2, 2008

We're Going to Miss This Guy...

There aren't really adaquate words to describe how much this man has touched our lives. We don't need further conviction that he is indeed a Prophet of God and has lived his life in a way that we should emulate. I don't want to speak for the members of this ward, but I think it is safe to say that we truely are thankful for a living prophet to guide us and direct us. That is a gift. As much as we will miss him, it brings so much comfort to know that he is reuniting with loved ones. Eternal life is such a sweet part of this gospel. He will be greatly missed, but he has laid a powerful foundation for us to go forth and do better.

A favorite quote from President Hinkley,

"I could wish for you nothing better than that your lives be fruitful, that your service be dedicated and freely given, that you contribute to the knowledge and the well-being of the world in which you live, and that you do it humbly and faithfully before your God. He loves you. We love you. We want you to be happy and successful, to make significant contributions to the world in which you will live and to the on-rolling of this great and majestic work of the Lord."

This Prophet had a testimony of The Book of Mormon and urged us to read it back in 2005. Let's again take this challenge to honor him and in turn increase our own testimonies and grow closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.


We love you President Hinkley!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Liahona

This coming week you will be reading Chapter 16 where the Liahona is introduced to Nephi and his family.

Here's a short paragraph that describes in more detail the Liahona and it's purpose...

The Liahona was made of fine brass, and inside the ball were two spindles. One of the spindles pointed the direction Lehi and his family were to travel. (See 1 Nephi 16:10.) They followed the directions in the ball and were led through "the more fertile parts of the wilderness" (1 Nephi 16:16). They found that the pointers worked according to their faith, work, and obedience (see 1 Nephi 16:28).

The ball also contained writings that helped them understand the ways of the Lord. This writing changed from time to time as they believed and obeyed the Lord's instructions. (See 1 Nephi 16:29.)

Kylee Dribnak says...

In taking the Book of Mormon Challenge and reading this weeks Chapters one verse stood out to me and pretty much became the theme. I know we are all familiar with 1 Nephi 3:7 "..I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded.." this scripture sounds so easy, just go and do what the lord commands. I feel Like for Lehi and Nephi it was pretty much black and white, good and evil. In our dispensation there is so much gray going on we really need to know where we stand, are we in these gray areas going to church and just floating through our crazy lives or are we doing everything we can to "Do what the Lord commands" and read our scriptures, pray, serve and teach others about our gospel daily? This really makes me want to step up my game and keep reaching for that! Our current prophet reminds us every conference to "BE" a little better in all we do. Be a little kinder, patient, loving, understanding and obedient. I know that through reading the book of Mormon we will find ourselves doing these things as the prophet has asked. The spirit of the book will help us accomplish this.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our Goal

Bishop Schnieber kicked off 2008 with a new challenge to each member of Waveny Park Ward. This goes right along with the goal of the Stake which is to get familiar with "Preach My Gospel". We can do this! Actually, we are going to do it before the year is half over. The Bishop would like each of us will deepen our understanding of and commitment to the Savior by way of a thoughtful and thorough reading of The Book of Mormon.

The goal is an increased closeness to the Savior (and also an increased testimony of the prophet).

The strategy is reading this wonderful and inspired work daily. It simply oozes with inspired writings about Christ's mission among his peoples.

The tactics will be played out as each of us determines when, where, and how we study The Book of Mormon. Early morning; writing a journal of our learnings and growth; underlining topics in various colors; reading every Book of Mormorn scripture reference as we work our way through Preach My Gospel; rereading the book in the language of our mission (if we've gone to a foreign language mission), etc. These are all up to each of us to figure out.

Daily reading is required. Quiet time in a place where one can be undisturbed is also key to success.

The decision to commit to follow through. This is the first step. Making the commitment inviolate is hard, but very powerful.

Let's not be deterred!Let's share our insights and inspiration with each other.

Here's how it will work. We will start reading NOW, tomarrow which is Monday January 21st and our desired end date will be August 30. Reading One Chapter each day from now until then. You are certainly welcome to read more quickly, but this challenge is so that we can really get to know the stories and gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and it's teachings. Blogs from ward members will be posted each week and you are welcome to add comments. Comments can be posted as anonymous or you can put your name if you like. Just click on the comments link below and it will show you what to do.